Shri Narendra Modi
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India

जिला सुशासन सूचकांक 2022

District Good Governance Index 2022

Shri Yogi Adityanath
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh


Agriculture and Allied Sectors: Promotion of Agricultural Enterprises Through Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) with the Case Study of Komalika Farmer Producer Company Limited.


A total of 20 Farmers' Producer Organisations (FPOs) are operating in the district of Aligarh under the direction of the District Magistrate. Establishment of the farm machinery bank by four FPOs was facilitated by the department of agriculture of the district. This was done by providing a grant of 80% of the project cost amounting to 12 lakh rupees to each of the 20 FPOs. In addition, the department of agriculture facilitated the creation of five FPOs to establish sales centers for seeds, agrochemicals, and fertilizer.

The Chief Executive Director (CED) of FPO is Shri Rajendra Prasad Pachauri, from the same village. Out of the 20 FPOs, Komalika Farmers Producers Company Ltd., formed on July 17, 2019 has 1,510 members.


The FPOs were formed with the objective of seed production in the district.

Fig 1.1: Seed processing unit and godown founded by Komalika Farmer Producer Company Limited

Key Features

Through the Seed and Planting Material (SMSP) program of the Government of India (GoI), Komalika Farmers Producers Company Ltd., received a subsidy of 60 lakh rupees to establish a seed storage go-down and seed processing plant at the Gram Panchayat level.


The FPO produced rice, wheat, mustard, and potato crops and also marked a turnover of more than 3.25 crore rupees in the Financial Year 2021-22. The seed production and sales by Komalika Farmer Producer Company Ltd., for 2021-22 is as given below-

Serial no Crop's name Seed production quantity(qt.) Rate (Rs. /Qu.) Net income(lakhs)
1 Paddy 600 7500 45
2 Wheat 700 3200 22.4
3 Mustard 100 14000 14
4 Potato 1500 2800 42
Total 2900 -- 123.40
Table1.1 Seed Production & Sales by Komalika Farmer Producer Company Limited for the year 2021-22