Shri Narendra Modi
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India

जिला सुशासन सूचकांक 2022

District Good Governance Index 2022

Shri Yogi Adityanath
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh


The process of normalisation of raw data for all the indicators was followed by multiplying normalised value for each of them with their respective weightage to obtain the indicator score and ranking. These scores were then used to further obtain the Sector, District and Division Scores and Ranking.

Sector Score and Sector Ranking

The sector score for each district was calculated by multiplying the normalised indicator value of each district with the given weightage and then adding the value of all indicators for that sector. This step helped us obtain the sector score for each district. These scores are then ranked from highest to lowest to get the Sector Ranking for each district from 1 to 75.

District Score and District Ranking

The District Score for each district was calculated by summing up the scores across sectors and then dividing it by the number of sectors, i.e., 10, to obtain the overall or ‘Composite Score’ for that particular district. These scores are then ranked from highest to lowest value to get District Ranking from 1 to 75.

Division Score and Division Ranking

Division score was obtained by adding the final scores of the districts and then dividing them with the number of districts in that particular division. The scores are then ranked from highest to lowest value to get the Division Ranking from 1 to 18.