Shri Narendra Modi
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India

जिला सुशासन सूचकांक 2022

District Good Governance Index 2022

Shri Yogi Adityanath
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh
Select Division
Select District

District Ranking - Varanasi

Ranking of District in State Ranking of District in Division Ranking of Division in State Average State Score
Achiever Performer Aspirant
V a r anasi Azamgarh A y od h y a B asti Gor akhpur Devipatan Lucknow Pr a y ag r aj Jhansi K anpur Agr a Al igarh B a r e i l ly Sahar anpur Chi t r a k oot Dham Vindh y anchal Mor adabad Meerut
Chandauli Ghazipur Jaunpur V a r anasi

Sector Wise Score of Varanasi District

S.No Sector Ranking Score
S.No Sector Ranking Score

Sector: Agriculture and Allied Sector

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Production of Food GrainsProduction of Food Grains (MT) 2020-214177324177320.14833
Production of HorticultureProduction of Horticulture ('000 MT) 2021-22 305.875305.8750.12087
Production of Milk Milk Production (Lakh Metric Tonnes) 2021-22 3.973.970.19972
Percentage of the area covered with Crop Insurance (PMFBY)
Insured Area (in Hectare) 2021-22 (a)51820.036330.04359
Notified Area (in Hectare) 2021-22 (b)142620
Agriculture Mandis Enrolled in e-Market (E-NAM)
Agricultural Mandis enrolled in e-Market (E-NAM) 2021-22 (a)111
Mandis in the District (b)1
Increase in Agricultural Credit
Achievement (in Lakh Rupees) 2020-21 (b)25295.510.562180.39931
Achievement (in Lakh Rupees) 2021-22 (a)39516.07
Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) Issued
Achievement 2021-22 (a)361860.940460.39497
Target 2021-22 (b)38477
Production of EggEgg Production (in Lakhs) 2021-22351.73351.730.08565
Percentage of Animals Vaccinated
Number of Animals Vaccinated (in Lakhs) 2021-22 (a)3.7855.021830.54416
Animal Population in the District (in Lakhs) 2019 (b)6.87

Sector: Industry and Commerce

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Number of MSME Units Registered under Online Udyog Aadhar RegistrationNumber of MSME units registered under Udhyam Aadhar Registration 2021-22 15465154650.54769
Number of Establishments Registered under GSTNumber of Establishment Registered under GST 2021-2265473654730.54603
Increase in Credit for Self- Employment
Margin Money released under MYSY (in Lakhs) 2020-21 (a) 238.260.11410.35328
Margin Money released under MYSY (in Lakhs) 2021-22 (d) 212.88
Amount disbursed under ODOP (in Lakhs) 2020-21 (b)429.67
Amount disbursed under ODOP (in Lakhs) 2021-22 (e)393.55
Amount disbursed under PMEGP (in Lakhs) 2020-21 (c)254.92
Amount disbursed under PMEGP (in Lakhs) 2021-22 (f)421.72
Number of Start-UpsNumber of Start-ups 2021-222092090.10312

Sector: Human Resource Development

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Retention Rate at Elementary LevelRetention Rate at Elementary Level (Grade I to VIII) 2021-22 116.83 1001
Gender Parity IndexGender Parity at Higher Secondary Level 2020-21
Enrolment Ratio of SC & ST Students
Enrolment in the District 2020-21 (b)6447080.201670.18139
SC/ST Enrolment in the District 2020-21 (a)130019
Skill Trainings Imparted to Students
Target 2021-22 (b)344760.442570.26058
Achievement 2021-22 (a)15258
Placement Ratio including Self-Employment
Number of Placements 2020-21 (a)40.000520.00412
Number of College Admissions 2020-21 (b)7666
Percentage of Schools with Access to Computers
Number of Schools (Higher Secondary) 2020-21 (b)3129.032260.32088
Number of Schools (Higher Secondary) with access to computers 2020-21 (a)9
Pupil Teacher Ratio
Number of Students Enrolled 2021-22 (a)10793027.980.58095
Number of Teachers 2021-22 (b)3857
Percentage of Schools with Drinking Water, Separate Toilet and Electricity Facilities
Number of Schools 2021-22 (b)114389.58880.82631
Number of Schools having all three facilities (Drinking Water, Separate Toilets and Electricity) 2021-22 (a)1024
Proportion of Children served Mid-Day Meal
Number of Students Enrolled 2020-21 (b)2822790.894520.38032
Average Number of Students availing Mid-Day Meal 2020-21 (a)252504

Sector: Public Health

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Percentage of PHCs converted into Health & Wellness Centers (HWCs)Percentage of PHCs converted into Health & Wellness Centres (HWCs) 2021-2268.5168.510.64515
Availability of Doctors at PHCs
Number of PHCs in the District (b)510.843140.52316
Number of Medical Officers in the District 2021-22 (a)43
Full Immunisation AchievementAchievement Percentage of Vaccinated Children 2021-2293.3993.390.59294
Number of Hospital Beds per 1000 Population
Number of Hospital Beds in the District 2021-22 (a)17570.477860.28952
Population of the District (Census 2011) (b)3676841
Percentage of Institutional Delivery
Target 2021-22 (b)7637870.111810.55142
Achievement 2021-22 (a) 53550
Proportion of Anganwadis with Own Buildings
Number of Sanctioned Anganwadi Centres in the District (b)39140.125190.0928
Number of Anganwadi Centres with own buildings 2021-22 (a)490
Percentage of Pregnant Women received 4 or more Complete ANC check-ups + TT2/Booster + 180 IFA
Achievement 2021-22 (a) 8419286.774410.74919
Target 2021-22 (b) 97024
Percentage 86.77
Proportion of Functional FRUs (First Referral Units)
Number of functional FRUs in the District 2021-22 (a)40.80.96
Number of FRUs in the District (b)5
Percentage of Golden Cards issued under ABPMJAY / SEHAT Scheme
Number of Ayushman Cards issued (Cumulative)2021-22 (a)338,21225.807840.1947
Number of Eligible Beneficiaries in the District 2021-22 (b)1,310,501

Sector: Public Infrastructure and Utilities

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Access to Potable Water
Households with Water Connections Urban 2021-22 (a) 1458150.305540.43957
Households with Water Connections Rural 2021-22 (b) 25336
Number of Households (Urban + Rural) in the District Census 2011 (c)560162
Percentage Wards (Urban) covered by Door to Door Waste Collection
Number of Wards (Urban) 2021-22 (b)1251001.000
Achievements 2021-22 (a) 125
Growth in Access to Clean Cooking Fuel (LPG)
Number of LPG Connections 2020-21 (b)8872240.072870.28905
Number of LPG Connections 2021-22 (a)951878
Percentage of Households with Improved Sanitation Facility
Percentage of Rural Households with Improved Sanitation Facility 2021-22 (a) 99.804806421001
Percentage of Urban Households with Improved Sanitation Facility 2021-22 (b) 105.47
Percentage Urban Rationalised (c) 100.00
Percentage of Households Electrified to Total Households
Number of Domestic Connections 2021 (a)6134181001
Number of Households in the District (Census 2011) (b)560162
Cumulative Number of KMs of all-weather Road Work Completed as a Percentage of Total Sanctioned KMs in the District under PMGSY
Sanctioned Length up to 31.03.2020 in Km (a)756.58889.341210.75087
Completed Length up to 31.03.2020 in Km (d)732.323
Sanctioned Length 2020-21 in Km (b)63.550
Completed Length in 2020-21 in Km (e)7.950
Sanctioned Length 2021-22 in Km (c) 30.850
Completed Length in 2021-22 in Km (f)20.010
Percentage Increase in Black Top Roads as Percentage of Total RoadsPercentage increase in Black Top as Percentage of Total Roads 2021-226.5266941816.526690.14834

Sector: Economic Governance and Financial Inclusion

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Financial Inclusion under Jan Dhan Yojana
Number of Bank Accounts opened under Jan Dhan Yojana 2021-22 (a)16025050.435840.51508
Population of the District (Census 2011) (b)3676841
Total Disbursement of Mudra Loan per 1 Lakh Population
Disbursement of Mudra Loan under PMMY (Rs in Crore) 2021-22 (a)1255.1234.135820.81375
Population of the District (Census 2011) (b)3676841
Growth in Per Capita GDDPGrowth Per Capita GDDP 2020-2115.115.10.67924
Banking Outlets per 1 Lakh Population
Number of Banking Outlets 2021-22 (a)237464.566290.45368
Population of the District (Census 2011) (b)3676841

Sector: Social Welfare and Development

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Sex Ratio at BirthNumber of Female births per 1000 male births (2021-22)9079070.31944
Rural Employment Guarantee (Average Days of Employment provided per household under MGNREGA)Average Days of Employment provided per Household 2021-2235.3735.370.38626
Housing for All
Achievement under PMAY-G (2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22) (a)139930.735240.36109
Target under PMAY-G (2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22) (b)14833
Households Completed under PMAY-U (2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22) (c)22437
Households Sanctioned under PMAY-U (2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22) (d)42566
Disposal of SC/ST Atrocity Cases by Courts
Number of Cases Disposed 2021-22 (a)70.004730.02505
Number of Cases 2021-22 (b)1480
Aadhaar Seeded Ration Cards
Number of Aadhar Seeded Ration Cards 2021-22 (a)5984470.996480.8792
Number of Ration Cards 2021-22 (b)600560
Percentage of Off-take of Grains
Quantity of Grains Lifted (M.T.) in 2021 (a)163450.51096.477160.86502
Quantity of Grains Allocated (M.T.) 2021 (b)169418.865
Atal Pension Yojana: Number of Beneficiaries per 1 lakh population
Number of Beneficiaries covered under Atal Pension Yojana 2021-22 (a)1247033391.579890.32673
Population of the District (Census 2011) (b)3676841
Number of Enrolments per 1 Lakh Population under - Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
Number of Enrolments under PMSBY 2021-22 (a)76871826879.595830.42634
Number of Enrolments under PMJJBY 2021-22 (b)219602
Population of the District (Census 2011) (c)3676841
Empowerment of SCs
Number of Beneficiaries under Vyavsaik Pathyakram Chatraviti 2021-22 (a)32040.051690.49931
Number of Beneficiaries under Anusuchit Jaati 9-10 Chatravriti 2021-22 (b)5357
Number of Beneficiaries under Anusuchit Jaati Dashomttar Chatravriti 2021-22 (c)16610
SC Population of the District, Census 2011 (d)486958
Empowerment of Women
Number of Beneficiaries under Mukhyamantri Samuhik Vivah Yojana 2021-22 (a)53531670.46682
Number of Beneficiaries under Samanya Varg ke Nirdhan Vaykhtiyon ki Putriyon ki shaadi hetu Anudhan Yojana 2021-22 (b)294
Number of Beneficiaries under Rashtriya Parivarik Labh Yojana 2021-22 (c)2006
Number of Beneficiaries under Alpsankhyak Varg ke Nirdhan Vaykhtiyon ki Putriyon ki shaadi hetu Aarthik Sahayata Yojana 2021-22 (d)332

Sector: Judiciary and Public Safety

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Disposal of Court Cases
Number of Cases Disposed in 2022 (a)347950.138430.40733
Number of Pending Cases in 2022 (b)216562
Disposal of Cases by Consumer Courts
Number of Cases Disposed in 2022 (a)2130.133710.443
Number of Pending Cases in 2022 (b)1380
Number of Road Accidental Deaths per 1 Lakh Population
Number of Road Accidents in 2021 (a)2366.418550.88353
Population of the District (Census 2011) (b)3676841
Incidence of Crime against Women
Number of Registered Crimes against Women 2020 (a)108361.709960.54792
Women Population in the District (Census 2011) (b)1754984
Incidence of Crime against Children
Number of Registered Crimes against Children 2020 (a)42227.053540.33524
Children Population of the District (up to 18 years) Census 2011 (b)1559870
Proportion of Women Police Personnel
Actual filled strength of Police in 2021 (b) 75320.159590.53609
Actual filled strength of Women in 2021 (a) 1202
Conviction Rate
Number of Trials Completed in 2021-22 (b)326590.961540.95905
Number of Convictions in 2021-22 (a)31403

Sector: Environment

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Change in Forest Cover
Forest Cover Assessment (Area in Sq. Km) 2021 (a)17.910.00050.534
Forest Cover Assessment (Area in Sq. Km) 2019 (b)17.1
Geographical Area of the District (Area in Sq. Km) (c) 1,535
Rise/Drop in Water Table in Ground Water Sources
Pre Difference for the year 2020-21 (a) 0.93-0.90.17901
Post Difference for the year 2020-21 (b) 0.03

Sector: Citizen Centric Governance

Indicator Data Point Value Indicator Value Score
Grievance Redressal Status
Number of Grievances Redressed (2021-22) (a)72,0440.97333.25
Number of Grievances Received (2021-22) (b)74,018
Government Services Provided Online to CitizensNumber of Services provided under e-Governance Plan (2021-22)2722721.000
Registration of Birth
Number of Registered Births in the year (2021) (a)9757286.39430.73031
Estimated Number of Births (2021) (b)112938
Registration of Death
Number of Registered Deaths in the year (2021) (a)2802398.682960.98359
Estimated Number of Deaths (2021) (b)28397
Social Audit under MGNEREGA: Percentage of GPs Covered
Number of Gram Panchayats where Social Audit has been done (2021-22) (a)49765.394740.65394
Number of Gram Panchayats as per NIC (b)760
Common Service Centers providing Online Services
Number of Common Service Centres providing online services (2021-22) (a)23443.084210.17776
Number of Gram Panchayats as per NIC (b)760
Applications on e-District Portal
Number of Applications Disposed (2021-22) (a)903722.000.999981
Number of Applications (2021-22) (b)903740.00